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Research Areas
Corporate Finance
Chao, Xiuli

Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan


Educational Background

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University


Xiuli Chao is professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prior to joining Michigan, he was on the faculty of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University, and from 2000 to 2003 he served as the co-director of the Interdisciplinary Operations Research Programs.

Honors / Achievements

Erlang Prize from the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS, 1998 Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scientist Award from National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2002, 2004

Short BIO

Xiuli Chao has been recognized for his outstanding contribution to operations research, including queueing, scheduling, financial engineering, inventory control, and supply chain management. In 2005, Professor Chao received the David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award from Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). As the co-developer of Lekin Scheduling System, Professor Chao is also the co-author of two books, "Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services" (Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998), and "Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions" (John Wiley & Sons, 1999).


  • Books

    Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions, co-authored with M. Miyazawa and M. Pinedo, John Wiley & Sons (in the Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization), published July 1999.

    Operations Scheduling with Applications to Manufacturing and Services, co-authored with M. Pinedo, published by Irwin/McGraw-Hill, October, 1998.


    Some Recent Publications

    Markov network processes with product form stationary distribution, with M. Miyazawa and  R. Serfozo, and H. Takada.  Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 28, 377-401, 1998.

    On quasi-reversibility and partial balance: An alternative approach to product form results, with M. Miyazawa.  Operations Research, 46, 927-933, 1998.

    A decomposition approximation for assembly-disassembly types of queueing networks, with N. Asaddathorn,  Annals of Operations Research, 87, 247-261, 1999.

    Queueing networks with instantaneous movements: A unified approach by quasi-reversibility, with M. Miyazawa,   Advances in Applied Probability, 32, 284-313, 2000.

    Triggered Concurrent Batch Arrivals and Batch Departures in Queueing Networks. With S. Zheng, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 10, 115-129, 2000.

    On truncation properties for finite buffer queues and queueing networks, with M. Miyazawa, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 14, 409-423, 2000.

    Several results on queueing system designs, with C. Scott, Operations Research, 48, 965-970, 2000.

    State-dependent coupling of general queueing networks, W. Henderson and P. G. Taylor, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 39, 337-348, 2001.

    Arrival first queueing networks with applications to kanban production", with R. Boucherie and M. Miyazawa, Performance Evaluation, 51, 2003, 83-102.

    Resource allocation in multi-site service systems with inter-site customer flows, with L. Liu and S. Zheng. Management Science, 49 (12), 1739-1752, 2003.

    Modeling and performance evaluation of a cellular mobile network, with W. Li,  ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 12(1), 131-145, 2004.

    Dynamic balancing of inventory in supply chains, with V. Agrawal and S. Seshadri, European Journal of Operational Research, 159, 296-317, 2004.

    A stochastic directional convexity result and its application in comparison of queues, with P. Luh.  Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 48, 399-419, 2004.

    Optimal production and shutdown strategy when a supplier offers an incentive program, with F.Y. Chen.  Manufacturing  & Service Operations Management, 7, 130-143, 2005.

    Performance analysis of a cellular network with multiple classes of calls, with W. Li. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 53 (9) 1542-1550, 2005.

    16. Joint optimization of pricing and inventory control in a continuous review system, with S. Zhou. IIE Transactions, 38 (5) 401-408, 2006.

    Capacity allocation with traditional and internet channels, with Y. Dai, S. Fang, and H.Nuttle, Naval Research Logistics, 53, 772-787, 2006.

    Call admission control for an adaptive heterogeneous multimedia mobile network, with W. Li. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 6, 515--525, 2007.

    Probabilistic solution and bounds for serial systems with discounted and average cost, with S. Zhou. Naval Research Logistics, 54, 623-631. 2007.

    Optimal inventory management under stochastically dependent supply capacity, with H. Chen and S. Zheng. European Journal of Operational Research, 191, 142-155, 2008.

    Optimal capacity in a coordinated supply chain, with S. Seshadri and M. Pinedo. {\it Naval Research Logistics, 55, 130-141, 2008.

    Dynamic Inventory Management with Cash Flow Constraints, with J. Chen and S. Wang, Naval Research Logistics, 55, 758-768, 2008.

    Optimal policy for a periodic-review inventory system under supply capacity contract, with P. Zipkin.  Operations Research, 56, 59-68, 2008.

    Dynamic capacity expansion for a service firm with capacity deterioration and supply uncertainty, with H. Chen and S. Zheng. Operations Research, 57, 82-91, 2009.

    Optimal transportation policies for make-to-order production/inventory systems with unreliable carriers, with S. Zhou and C-Y Lee. Journal of Global Optimization, 44 (2), 251-271, 2009.

    Optimal policy for multi-echelon inventory systems with batch ordering and fixed replenishment schedules, with S. Zhou.  Operations Research, 57, 377-390, 2009.

    Optimal Reserve Prices in the Name-Your-Own-Price Channel of a Dual Channel Market, with G. Cai and J. Li.  Production and Operations Management, 18, 653-671, 2009.

    Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristics for Serial Supply Chains with Regular and Expedited Shipping, with S. Zhou. Naval Research Logistics, 57, 71-87, 2010.

    Optimal control of a remanufacturing system with multiple types of returns, with S. Zhou and Z. Tao.  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13, 20-34, 2011.

    Joint optimal ordering and weather hedging decisions: mean-CVaR model, with F. Gao and F. Chen. Journal of Flexible Manufacturing and Services, 23, 1-25, 2011.

    Dynamic inventory and pricing policy in a capacitated stochastic inventory system with fixed ordering cost, with B. Yang and Y. Xu.  Operations Research Letters, 40 (2), 99-107, 2012.

    Combined pricing and portfolio option procurement, with Q. Fu, S. Zhou, and C.Y. Lee.  Production and Operations Management, 21 (2), 361-377, 2012.