Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions, co-authored with M. Miyazawa and M. Pinedo, John Wiley & Sons (in the Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization), published July 1999.
Operations Scheduling with Applications to Manufacturing and Services, co-authored with M. Pinedo, published by Irwin/McGraw-Hill, October, 1998.
Some Recent Publications
Markov network processes with product form stationary distribution, with M. Miyazawa and R. Serfozo, and H. Takada. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 28, 377-401, 1998.
On quasi-reversibility and partial balance: An alternative approach to product form results, with M. Miyazawa. Operations Research, 46, 927-933, 1998.
A decomposition approximation for assembly-disassembly types of queueing networks, with N. Asaddathorn, Annals of Operations Research, 87, 247-261, 1999.
Queueing networks with instantaneous movements: A unified approach by quasi-reversibility, with M. Miyazawa, Advances in Applied Probability, 32, 284-313, 2000.
Triggered Concurrent Batch Arrivals and Batch Departures in Queueing Networks. With S. Zheng, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 10, 115-129, 2000.
On truncation properties for finite buffer queues and queueing networks, with M. Miyazawa, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 14, 409-423, 2000.
Several results on queueing system designs, with C. Scott, Operations Research, 48, 965-970, 2000.
State-dependent coupling of general queueing networks, W. Henderson and P. G. Taylor, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 39, 337-348, 2001.
Arrival first queueing networks with applications to kanban production", with R. Boucherie and M. Miyazawa, Performance Evaluation, 51, 2003, 83-102.
Resource allocation in multi-site service systems with inter-site customer flows, with L. Liu and S. Zheng. Management Science, 49 (12), 1739-1752, 2003.
Modeling and performance evaluation of a cellular mobile network, with W. Li, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 12(1), 131-145, 2004.
Dynamic balancing of inventory in supply chains, with V. Agrawal and S. Seshadri, European Journal of Operational Research, 159, 296-317, 2004.
A stochastic directional convexity result and its application in comparison of queues, with P. Luh. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 48, 399-419, 2004.
Optimal production and shutdown strategy when a supplier offers an incentive program, with F.Y. Chen. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 7, 130-143, 2005.
Performance analysis of a cellular network with multiple classes of calls, with W. Li. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 53 (9) 1542-1550, 2005.
16. Joint optimization of pricing and inventory control in a continuous review system, with S. Zhou. IIE Transactions, 38 (5) 401-408, 2006.
Capacity allocation with traditional and internet channels, with Y. Dai, S. Fang, and H.Nuttle, Naval Research Logistics, 53, 772-787, 2006.
Call admission control for an adaptive heterogeneous multimedia mobile network, with W. Li. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 6, 515--525, 2007.
Probabilistic solution and bounds for serial systems with discounted and average cost, with S. Zhou. Naval Research Logistics, 54, 623-631. 2007.
Optimal inventory management under stochastically dependent supply capacity, with H. Chen and S. Zheng. European Journal of Operational Research, 191, 142-155, 2008.
Optimal capacity in a coordinated supply chain, with S. Seshadri and M. Pinedo. {\it Naval Research Logistics, 55, 130-141, 2008.
Dynamic Inventory Management with Cash Flow Constraints, with J. Chen and S. Wang, Naval Research Logistics, 55, 758-768, 2008.
Optimal policy for a periodic-review inventory system under supply capacity contract, with P. Zipkin. Operations Research, 56, 59-68, 2008.
Dynamic capacity expansion for a service firm with capacity deterioration and supply uncertainty, with H. Chen and S. Zheng. Operations Research, 57, 82-91, 2009.
Optimal transportation policies for make-to-order production/inventory systems with unreliable carriers, with S. Zhou and C-Y Lee. Journal of Global Optimization, 44 (2), 251-271, 2009.
Optimal policy for multi-echelon inventory systems with batch ordering and fixed replenishment schedules, with S. Zhou. Operations Research, 57, 377-390, 2009.
Optimal Reserve Prices in the Name-Your-Own-Price Channel of a Dual Channel Market, with G. Cai and J. Li. Production and Operations Management, 18, 653-671, 2009.
Newsvendor Bounds and Heuristics for Serial Supply Chains with Regular and Expedited Shipping, with S. Zhou. Naval Research Logistics, 57, 71-87, 2010.
Optimal control of a remanufacturing system with multiple types of returns, with S. Zhou and Z. Tao. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13, 20-34, 2011.
Joint optimal ordering and weather hedging decisions: mean-CVaR model, with F. Gao and F. Chen. Journal of Flexible Manufacturing and Services, 23, 1-25, 2011.
Dynamic inventory and pricing policy in a capacitated stochastic inventory system with fixed ordering cost, with B. Yang and Y. Xu. Operations Research Letters, 40 (2), 99-107, 2012.
Combined pricing and portfolio option procurement, with Q. Fu, S. Zhou, and C.Y. Lee. Production and Operations Management, 21 (2), 361-377, 2012.