"Asymmetric Price Movement and the Borrowing Constraint: A REE Model of Crises, Contagion, and Confusion," 2005, Journal of Finance 60 (1): 379-411. Nominated for Smith Breeden Prize for the best paper published in the Journal of Finance in 2005.
“The Liquidity Service of Benchmark Securities,” 2005, Journal of European Economic Association 3 (5): 1156 – 1180.
“How Do Crises Spread? Evidence from Accessible and Inaccessible Stock Indices” with Brian Boyer and Tomomi Kumagai, 2006,Journal of Finance 61 (2): 957-1003.
“Are Investors Moonstruck? Lunar Phases and Stock Returns” with Lu Zheng and Qiaoqiao Zhu, 2006, Journal of Empirical Finance, 13 (1): 1-23.
“Do Sovereign Bonds Benefit Corporate Bonds in Emerging Markets” with Bob Dittmar, 2008, Review of Financial Studies, 21(5) 1983-2014.
“Feedback Effects and Asset Prices” with Emre Ozdenoren, 2008, Journal of Finance, 63(4), 1939-1975.
“On the Growth Effect of Stock Market Liberalizations” with Nandini Gupta, 2009, Review of Financial Studies, 22(11), 4715-4752.
“Learning and Strategic Complementarities in Speculative Attacks” with Itay Goldstein and Emre Ozdenoren 2011, Review of Economic Studies. 78(1), 263-292