Hong Liu, Solvency Constraint, Underdiversification, and Idiosyncratic Risks, forthcoming, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Hong Liu, Mark Loewenstein, Market Crashes, Correlated Illiquidity, and Portfolio Choice, forthcoming, Management Science.
Min Dai, Hanqing Jin, Hong Liu (2011), Illiquidity, Position Limits, and Optimal Investment for Mutual Funds, Journal of Economic Theory.
Philip H. Dybvig, Hong Liu (2010), Lifetime Consumption and Investment: Retirement and Constrained Borrowing, Journal of Economic Theory .
Philip H. Dybvig, Hong Liu (2011), Verification Theorems for Models of Optimal Consumption and Investment with Retirement and Constrained Borrowing, Mathematics of Operations Research.
Todd Gormley, Hong Liu, and Guofu Zhou (2010), Limited Participation and Consumption-Saving Puzzles: A Simple Explanation and the Role of Insurance, Journal of Financial Economics.
Bong-Gyu Jang, Hyeng Keun Koo, Hong Liu, and Mark Loewenstein, (2007), Liquidity Premia and Transaction Costs, Journal of Finance.
Lixin Huang, Hong Liu (2007), Rational Inattention and Portfolio Selection, Journal of Finance.
Lingxiu Dong, Hong Liu (2007), Equilibrium Forward Contracts on Non-storable Commodities in the Presence of Market Power,Operations Research.
Domenico Cuoco, Hong Liu (2006), An Analysis of VaR-based Capital Requirements, Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Ron Kaniel, Hong Liu (2006), So What Orders Do Informed Traders Use? Journal of Business.
Hong Liu, Jiongmin Yong, (2005), Option Pricing with an Illiquid Underlying Asset Market, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Hong Liu (2004), Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets, Journal of Finance.
Hong Liu, Mark Loewenstein, (2002), Optimal Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs and Finite Horizons, Review of Financial Studies.
Domenico Cuoco, Hong Liu (2000), Optimal Consumption of a Divisible Durable Good, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Domenico Cuoco, Hong Liu (2000), A Martingale Characterization of Consumption Choices and Hedging Costs with Margin Requirements, Mathematical Finance.